Representation Task: Skins (12Y)

Watch the episode of Skins (Episode 1/Season 1)

Watch from the start up to the scene in the cafe when Michelle appears.

Make notes on the four main areas: 
  • camera
  • editing
  • sound
  • mise en scene
You will use these notes in Wednesday's lesson.

Click on the image for the episode.

Write about the representation of the character of Tony in the clip we watched in class.

Focus on the key areas (listed above).

Use the following words in your work:

  • stereotype
  • binary opposites
  • represented
  • representation
  • diegetic sound/ non-diegetic sound
  • mise en scene-costume/ props/ set and setting/ lighting
  • character
  • camera shots/ camera angles (use words from these lists)
DEADLINE: Period 1Tuesday 23rd September (Hand in a paper copy of the work)
