Distribution - Ex Machina, Mad Max and Kill List

Now you understand distribution you need to find information about our three films.

Who licensed Ex Machina in the UK and how much did it cost?
Who licensed Ex Machina in the US and how much did it cost?
Was Ex Machina an example of vertical or horizontal integration?
Who licensed Mad Max Fury Road in the UK and how much did it cost?
Who licensed Mad Max Fury Road in the US and how much did it cost?
Was Kill List an example of vertical or horizontal integration?
Who licensed Kill List in the UK and how much did it cost?
Who licensed Kill List in the US and how much did it cost?
Was Kill List an example of vertical or horizontal integration?

What was the release date for Ex Machina in the UK?
Which major films appear in its UK release window?
What was the release date for Ex Machina in the US?
Which major films appear in its US release window?
What was the release date for Mad Max Fury Road in the UK?
Which major films appear in its UK release window?
What was the release date for Mad Max Fury Road in the US?
Which major films appear in its US release window?
What was the release date for Kill List in the UK?
Which major films appear in its UK release window?
What was the release date for Kill List in the US?
Which major films appear in its US release window?

How many screens was Ex Machina released on in the UK?
How many screens was Ex Machina released on in the US?
When did Ex Machina screen at the Phoenix Leicester?
How long was its theatrical run in the UK?
How many screens was Mad Max Fury Road released on in the UK?
How many screens was Mad Max Fury Road released on in the US?
When did Mad Max Fury Road screen at the Phoenix Leicester? 
How long was its theatrical run in the UK?
How many screens was Kill List released on in the UK?
How many screens was Kill List released on in the US?
When did Kill List screen at the Phoenix Leicester? 
How long was its theatrical run in the UK?
