The Textual Analysis And Representation Exam - Good Advice

How to begin your essay: answer the question

E.g.: The director uses mise en scene, sound, camerawork and editing to construct a representation of the east End of London by meeting/challenging stereotypes of the region? Or both? 
Tell the examiner - spell it out.  Start strong and focused.

EVERY example you give from the extract must be accompanied by at least one piece of key terminology. Some of you were describing the example in detail, but forgetting to explain which camera shot/angle etc captured these things, or which sound device was used to have that effect on the audience

Revise your key terms - use your big glossary to do this. This is the difference between a poor, vague response and a good, specific one. If you are technical and use your terms accurately, the rest of your exploration sprouts from there. You need the solid foundations of good technical knowledge to see you through. REVISE IT

Signpost which area of textual analysis you are using, so it is clear that you are covering them all.  e.g. 'Regarding the lighting in the scene....'  'In terms of the protagonist's costume...'  'The mise en scene portrays...'

Editing: if you don't understand it, do something about it. There are plenty of past extracts on my blog and Miss Kirkpatrick's's - simply search for them in the search bar of the blog. Watch one of the clips and use the big glossary to analyse it purely for editing. We will be working on activities like this in the lesson, but you will need to have a go at home if you are not comfortable with analysing editing.

Mark scheme here.
